NAFCS EVENTSDec16NAFCS Board MeetingNAFCS ASC 2813 Grant Line Rd, New Albany, IN 47150, USADec20Last Day of First SemesterDec23-5Winter Break - No SchoolJan6Teacher Work Day - No SchoolJan7First Day of Second SemesterJan13NAFCS Board Meeting - ReorganizationNAFCS ASC 2813 Grant Line Rd, New Albany, IN 47150, USA
NAFCS QUICK LINKSNAFCS PUBLIC NOTICES/ADVERTISEMENTSNAFCS TV (YOU TUBE)NAFCS Facility Usage RequestNAFC Education FoundationIndiana Department of EducationNAFCS GPS (Graduates Prepared to Succeed) DATANAFCS Corporation PolicyNAFCS Library InventoryNAFCS SAFETY ALERT (REPORT HERE)